Cheap Flights from Kuwait to Salalah with Jazeera Airways Starting at

Popular Flight Deals Kuwait to Salalah

FromKuwait (KWI)ToSalalah (SLL)Round-trip
29 Jun 2024 Sat - 01 Jul 2024 Mon


KWD 71*

Seen: 7 hrs ago

*Fares displayed have been collected within the last 48hrs and may no longer be available at time of booking. Additional fees and charges for optional products and services may apply.


 Prepare for an enchanting journey from Kuwait to Salalah, Oman with Jazeera Airways! Salalah, the jewel of southern Oman, awaits your exploration. When you book your flights from Kuwait to Salalah, you're embarking on an adventure through lush landscapes and rich culture. Explore the tranquil beauty of Salalah's beaches, including the famous Al Mughsail Beach with its blowholes. Visit the historic Sultan Qaboos Mosque and marvel at its exquisite architecture. Discover the ancient ruins of Al-Balid, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and delve into the unique flora of the Khareef season. Salalah's serene charm and welcoming atmosphere make it a must-visit destination for travelers seeking natural beauty and cultural treasures. Book your flight with Jazeera Airways today and immerse yourself in the allure of Salalah, Oman.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the flight duration from Kuwait to Salalah?
The flight duration from Kuwait to Salalah is 2 hours 50 minutes.

What is the best time to visit Salalah?
The best time to visit Salalah is between the months of June to September.

Are there direct flights from Kuwait to Salalah?
Jazeera Airways operates direct flights from Kuwait to Salalah.

How much is the Kuwait to Salalah flight price?
The Kuwait to Salalah flight price depends on the time of travel. You can select your preferences in the flight search panel at the top of this page to view prices.

What are the visa requirements to travel to Salalah?
You can find out more about the visa requirements to travel to Salalah through our Visa Information page.

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